Friday 31 August 2012

The Vault round 2

Baleon focuses, runs towards the pit and jumps.  He sails across most of the pit and comes to a landing just shy of his mark on the last column on the other side  ( roll (11)+11 = 22 ft cleared).  He totters for an instant  then rights himself and skips to the far side of the chasm (DC 10 to stick the landing: roll (14)+11 = 25).  Behind him, the column that he landed on begins to glow.  The runes etched on its surface gives of a pale yellow light.

Trik whistles in admiration.  "Nice jump elf.  Pretty sure I can't do the same though."  He plays with the rope tied around his waist.  "What's the next move?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Well, unless you've suddenly developed the useful ability to decipher the archaic language that adorns the pillars, may I suggest you get ready to run across the pillars?"

Baleon takes himself over to J2 and wraps the rope around the pillar twice then braces himself.

"Now would be sufficient, human! Unless you've a better plan, I would recommend haste!"